Thursday, September 4, 2008

Summer's Greatest Moments.

Taking a cue from my favorite podcast, I'm going to post my favorite moments of summer. I intended to make this funny but as I wrote I found my eyes becoming moist so the humor isn't as thick but don't let that deter you...

1. The moment of walking out the double doors of the church and walking down the isle as Norah Jones crooned on is untopable. Heaven was glimpsed as I passed faces from all areas of my life, some of which I haven't seen in a long time, and time took a smoke break for in those steps everything slowed down and just glowed. It was beyond the greatness I had imagined it would be.

2. Dancing with my Dad was another great moment. We were both tired and so, so happy. As pictures from our life played behind us and "And I love Her" by the Beatles played in the background, all the sweat, blood and tears from planning the wedding melted away and all that was left was that perfect moment where I thought to myself, I will remember this forever. His look of uninhibited joy will always be fresh in my mind.

3. While I could list the entire week of our honeymoon as my favorite moment, I will pick but one in particular and keep it PG ;) ...One night after eating dinner at yet another fantabulous restaurant in Charleston, we started walking back to our hotel and got caught in a rain storm. There were no dark clouds, only droplets of fun as we raced back laughing and slipping hand through hand as we went. Charleston is very much a college town so as we ran we passed people our age doing the same thing, all of us laughing in unison. I love this moment because not only was it giggly fun, but in it I felt so safe and in love and I never plan on feeling any different.

4. Camp this year involved probably the biggest range of emotions I've ever experienced in one week. But the first moment of that week was one that will define me forever. We walked on stage to play praise and worship the first night and after we did Jon got up and with tears streaming uncontrolably down his face, reminded us that what we do is way bigger then ourselves, that it matters more then we think. "Look at them," he said, "they're so hungry for it." We turned around and there at the front of the stage were the faces of our youth looking at us so expectantly and they hadn't heard a word Jon said, they were just standing there waiting to be ushered into the presence of God. A moment like that couldn't be manufactured, and it will drive me for the rest of my life.

5. Finally, Sunday night, as in this past Sunday night held a great moment for me. We had friends over and as we sat their till all hours of the night talking and laughing I thought, "this is exaclty what I want my place to be used for, to relax, to be with friends, to just have fun." And we did and I hope it's the first of countless nights just like it.

If no one reads this at all it was worth reliving the emotions of this past summer. Writing each one gave me the chance to relive in greater detail all the things that I'm eternally grateful for.

Until next time...


amber said...

Camp was so amazing. It’s been said before but there was such a level of expectation going in that it was manifested that first night. Was it hot? Miserably so. I don’t know if I’ve ever sweated so much in my whole life than that week. Yet none of us cared because we were so lost in worship. I’ve never experienced anything like that before; I don’t think I can adequately describe the moment. I wish I could because it was so…I think it was a taste of what heaven will be like.

Cindy Helton said...

Thanks for taking time to reflect like this, not only for yourself but as a reminder to us all that it is so important to "remember" the life moments that give you joy. I think we need to be reminded often. I am reading a book called The Journey of Desire- Searching for the Life We've Only Dreamed of by John Eldridge. He talks about wanting life to literally stand still so you can embrace all the emotions, sights and smells of not only the big moments but the life moments , like running in the rain. I loved your phrase " time took a smoke break"..if only!

As for camp... it is/was easy to get caught up in the "other" aspect of camp and not reflect on that first night. I hope you and the band do remember your part in those moments. Most of all I hope those teen ( and leaders) can recall how they felt in those moments in their own day to day lives.

Your wedding--
watching your dad's face as you danced and those pictures... yes I cried once again!!