Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Boobies and STD's

I went to the most hillbilly festival ever yesterday. It was called "Hoorah for Harriemen" (Harriemen being the place)One booth we passed had a big sign on the front that read "Buckets for Boobies" :) the picture of it now serves as my cellphone wallpaper.

In other news...
I'm among the many who have cultivated fame over YouTube and my fame is spreading even further...my sister in law showed a video Dayton and I made last year for youth in one of her classes and it garnered a lot of laughs so here's a re-run for your enjoyment...


Cindy Helton said...

Could that be the quaint city of "Harriman" you are referring to? I can't wait to hear "HOW" you ended up at this festival? Seriously?

Still Love the video.. and after that performance you still married him!!

Angela said...

I love this video!! So hilarious!