Monday, November 16, 2009


There are a good many writers/comedians out there who make a decent living by telling us about their family.
In fact I think it's quite near comedic genius to be able to take one idiosyncratic element about your own family and tell it in such a way that people can relate and laugh along with you.

(Example: "If you ever start feeling like you have the goofiest, craziest, most dysfunctional family in the world, all you have to do is go to a state fair. Because five minutes at the fair, you'll be going, 'you know, we're alright. We are dang near royalty.'" -jeff foxworthy)

Without that group of people that we all both strongly love and sometimes strongly hate we wouldn't be who we are today and would probably take out our frustrations on strangers more often then need be.

I love getting together with extended family. Not just because it's fun to catch up with these people who will always be in your life, no matter the frequency, but because it's fun to learn that you share more than a nose, you share personalities, senses of humor and it just makes you feel a little less unique (in a good way).

My brother got married this past weekend which gave us all a good excuse to get together. And while it was undoubtedly relaxing to not be the bride, it was also great fun seeing old faces together with the fresh additions.

The greatest thing about my family is there needn't be a comedian around to make them funny, they do it pretty well on their own. In the hours we were together more jokes were cracked then eggs in a bakery (hey that's a good one). And laughter was shared like an infectious disease (hmm).

I love that though. And I love seeing where I came from and being able to blame my sometimes all too silly nature on my aunts and uncles :)

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