Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I gave "it" up

Our youth group is doing a sort of fast for the next thirty days, which means we've got to pick something and give it up.

The campaign is called "I gave it up" (I think that if some kid was really hard core they would give the word "it" up bahahaha!)

I gave up facebook and I'm a better person for it. This is only my second day not logging on and while I wasn't necessarily a "junkie" before, I've already noticed all the time I've saved not aimlessly clicking around.

Facebook generates brain power that is much better used elsewhere. For example, I found myself thinking too much about myself after being on there (can I get a--what! what! cause I know you do the same)
If we were all honest with ourselves facebook is more about savingface then it is anything else. That's why we post pictures that only WE approve of, or write meaningless sentences that talk about OUR life or post quizzes that WE make up about OURSELVES and lists that include only things that will make US look good.
I could be wrong but I think I'm not.
And don't get me wrong. I'm not jumping off the band wagon, I've just moved myself closer to the back where my feet can dangle and I can jump off if I need to :)
I think about myself enough, I don't need to get on a website daily to remind me to do it.
And that is all.
If you can handle it, good for you. In the mean-time I'm going to go and have some non me-time (haha!! see it's wit like that, that makes ME so great) ;) jk


Mitchell said...

Facebook for me (and all these "social networks" online) has been about staying connected with people I don't see from day to day (or like with you, month to month). With this blog, Facebook, etc I don't feel like we live so far apart.

I do agree, however, that at some point Facebook can be a huge time waster, but that goes for any kind of media. Moderation, is the key. Kudos to you for giving it up. I hope it's not permanent though. :)

Angela said...

I didn't even know you had a facebook account! When you're done giving "it" up, you should friend me! :)