Friday, June 26, 2009

Half Caff Laugh

I have always had a strange fascination with being addicted to coffee.
Really I am charmed by all things related to coffee, the mugs, the smell, the word, the roasts.

The splitting headache I received today after not having my usual morning cup cured me of at least the desire to be addicted. I'm still bewitched by all things coffee, now at least I have a more adult view about it.

I was thinking about this on my way home from Starbucks and had to laugh at myself for getting over another child-like enthrallment with something so adult as being addicted to caffeine. For me it was that moment of realization that doing the dishes and having homework really aren't as magical as you once thought.

For all my fellow coffee lovers: don't go to Starbucks for iced coffee. It doesn't taste that bad, but the price you pay isn't worth it. McDonalds has the market on iced coffees-hands down.

For all my fellow word lovers: chew over the title of this blog one more time. The English language and all its oddities include the fact that those three words have different endings but all the same sound.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

daynagonzalez said...

I'm with you on your love of coffee, my favorite thing in the world to drink! :o) And McDonald's iced-coffee is all I ever get living in our po-dunk town! Starbucks is 30 minute drive away. :o(