Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cup full o' Giggles

I could stand in the card isle reading only Fresh Ink cards by Halmark all-day-long.

I don't hold back when I'm standing in the card isle and their wittiness tickles me, I l.o.l. Which really they should thank me for because laughter is contagious so even if someone is looking over one of those cheesy cards that talk about a naked man and you open it up to see a baby monkey (what?) they might laugh and wait till after they've shelled out 5.75 to realize it was a stupid card.

Fresh Ink card's are not something I buy for everyone I know who has a birthday. They cater to a very distinct brand of humor. One example (and the only one because really you have to see the pictures with the captions) is one that sent me into fits of giggles standing there in Walgreens...
It's a card that is round and looks like a piece of bologna...

"My bologna has a middle name

It's Marie."

Haha can you really put a price tag on something that funny? Fresh Ink did and it's a reasonable 2.50 so please, buy on.

Here's another funny from my google homepage, daily humor thingy...

Cereal Claim

Last week, the FDA scolded General Mills for claiming that Cheerios lowers your cholesterol by 10%.

They're not stopping there - today, under pressure, Captain Crunch admitted he lied about his military record. -Jay Leno

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