Tuesday, April 7, 2009


One of my favorite things about being a girl
Is that moment when Dayton puts his hand on the small of my back and directs me through a crowd.
Sometimes it will just be a moment of direction other times when the crowd is more dense he'll put his hands on my hips and steer me through till we're free to walk side by side.

The beginning of this year I changed jobs. I work for my father-in-law now, I'm the office administrator and advertising division of the company which I'm loving. It wasn't an instant change, I kept the other job for a while until it was clear that my old boss didn't need me anymore.

The opportunity to work for my in-laws was such a God thing. There was no real reason at the time for me to switch jobs, but I did and it worked out to where there was always work available for me.

God guided me through what could have been a rougher situation. Just as Dayton guides me when we're walking through a crowd, God lead me through a dense clowd of decisions so that I was able to get through to the exact place I needed to be.

I love that.
I love Him.


Alicia said...

That is the sweetest analogy. :-)

Mitchell said...

So are you the office administrator at a advertising division? I'm a little unclear. What does that entail?

In any case, I'm glad you like it.

(ps you should change your comments so they appear under your post when we click instead of on a separate page, I had to push back on my browser... just a helpful tip :) )

daynagonzalez said...

I love it when I can look back at a certain situation and see things seemed to have no significance at the time, but now I can totally see God's hand at work! God is awesome!