Friday, April 3, 2009

....and it keeps on going

We were assigned a "witness piece" which meant we had to write about witnessing something in the news and our reaction to it. And since I couldn't settle on one emotion with octo-mom (anger? frustration? pity?) I went for this little ditty.

I had something in this one about sweat being on his brow, the same kind of sweat not found on the faces of his loudest foe, but the teacher didn't like it (dirty liberal ;) so I took it out. Enjoy.

Always Mr. President

I could see you pumping gas
At a station in Texas. Comfortable
In your post Presidential jeans and cowboy
Boots, happy in your cowboy hat. I could see

Your hands and imagine their lines where important
Documents once rested, where other important fingers
Gripped and shook; hands that wiped sweat
Off your important brow, a thick sweat
Born from hard working, hard thinking,
A sweat most Americans will never

Experience. I could see you there gripping the gas
Pump, standing tall in your notch on the American time line,
I could see you and if I could I would walk up to you and say,
Thank you.


amber said...

i like it.

Angela said...

I am loving this whole poetry series you've been doing. This was just beautiful. Well done!