Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Value of Funny

Count me an expert in dealing with stupid people.
And by stupid people I mean people acting in ways that piss me off.

I have weathered, final exam style, test after test after test of people making me very angry from every front (making it a cumulative exam-testing on more than one area) but thanks to God, my husband, and funny I feel as if I'm pulling through with a B.

Example-my statistics class consists of a bundle of idiots. In the past I have failed to keep my cool by responding with angry stares at people who ask questions the teacher has already repeated the answer to, or blatant smirks at the boy next to me who gets something wrong after belittling minor mistakes the professor has made.

Today I purposed to not let any of it get to me, but it did.

I found myself imagining how I could totally trip one kid when he left class
Or how I would word what I thought of another guys complete and total incompetence at living as we passed each other in the hall but
Then my thoughts took a funny turn-
I thought about bringing a be-be gun to class, (the one we have that's small but irritating when shot with) and I imagined popping these people with it every time they did something dumb
and it made me laugh-audibly
It totally diffused my frustration and made me laugh.
And while that's not a feasible solution (right?), it pointed out that my thinking was a little absurd.
There's nothing we can do about other people, but there is something we can do about our reactions to those people no matter how stupid they act.
So laughing was exactly what I needed to do.
Dumb butt next to me didn't know what to think, which is a beautiful fringe benefit.

Never underestimate the value of funny!


amber said...

i don't have anything to really say other than i liked your post. i laughed at the thought of you laughing :-)

daynagonzalez said...

lol some people are idiots....aren't you glad you're not? :o)

daynagonzalez said...

I tagged you!! :o) It's an easy one and it will help me envision your life better....a picture paints a thousand words!