Thursday, October 1, 2009

With the promise of other's something entirely different.

I just finished an email to a dear friend of mine who lives in another city but who provides me with the release of writing emails that Jane Austin herself would appreciate.

It's a curious thing, and I am using this blog to wonder aloud (and by aloud I mean in black and white to the internet community) why is it that certain people evoke certain abilities from us?

For example, when I try to write well worded emails to other people I feel as if I come out tripping over my words and blubbering pedestrian things like "hey whats up" but when I write to a particular group of people the Austin-esq words and phrases just flow out of me, "with you, what is up?" (that was a joke).

The same is true for joke-making. There are certain people who when I am around them the funny comes spilling out the way God intended it, but around others (particularly those who I would like to consider me as the go to for comedy) so much, "knock-knock?"

I guess the key word is "try" maybe it is that when we try to hard it doesn't work. Which would make sense like that "cool" blog I wrote, the harder you try to be cool the less it actually works out for you (duh, elizabeth).

Ok well, I don't know how to remedy that cause there'll always be people you want to impress, maybe we (assuming you have the same sort of issue) maybe we need to approach it like a lie detector test. They say the way to beat those things is to trick yourself into thinking that when you're answering simple things like "What is your name" you are actually telling a lie that way when you tell a lie the stress that registers is the same as when you said your name.

So maybe I need to think that when I'm writing to my dear friend I need to amp up the stress level making my other, more professional emails come off beautiful.

There. Problem solved.
Thanks for listening internet community :)

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