Thursday, April 17, 2008

butt pilot

While normally i chide myself for writing a blog with no real purpose or subject in mind, the recent lapse in time since my last blog left me feeling that a care-free-fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-blog was ok.

spring has sprung (man i hate that phrase) but it has. and it's beautiful. spring and fall are both so brilliant in their own rite and up here i truly appreciate them both.
spring brings tulips and tulips are my favorite flower.
i decided to designate a favorite flower after watching "you've got mail" and since daisies were taken i thought tulips would be an equally good, if not a better choice. besides daisies really only come in a couple colors while tulips display their coloring abilities through many, vivid and vibrant hues.

but enough about spring.
lets talk about guns.

my writing fiction class imposed on me an assignment earlier in the month that required a story including the idea of a "pistol in the refrigerator".
we actually got to, as a class, come up with an idea like that one that we would have to incorporate in a story and after voting i was satisfied that the pistol won out. others discussed how it was too depressing of a topic while i sat there and thought of all the possibilities.
what first came to mind was a children's story of kids who found a gun and didn't know what to do with it so they hide it in a tubberware within the refrigerator. then i thought of a cake. after all there are places out there that make crazy cakes and a cake in the shape of a pistol isn't a far fetched idea. thirdly dieting came to mind and a girl who goes to great lengths to prevent herself from eating too much was about to take shape.
all of these appealed for a while but eventually something else won out.

part of our assignment was to read other people's stories and for the remainder of the semester discuss each persons work. while mine was given the title of "clever" by everyone in the class including the professor *buffs nails on sleeve* others felt the need to repeatedly drop the f-bomb and sometimes unimaginatively kill off everyone in their story. blah. sitting there reading several in a row made me wish their pistol was real.

so. good news for you you'll get to read my concoction next go around. it's just about three pages long so it will be a substantial blog and hopefully make up for my inattentiveness as of late.

until then
fly by the seat of your pants more often
it is, after all, the only way to fly.

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