Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The smell of possibility

*I've got twenty minutes till I have to get to class and I still need to go by starbucks and get some hot tea so I have to write this quickly! So quickly in fact that i'm going to begin this blog with an old oral report trick we used to use to "grab our listeners" and later made fun of for it's lack of creativity....

Imagine yourself outside your favorite store. Your senses are alive with the anticipation of total fulfillment as you walk through the doors, seeing hearing and smelling all of your favorite things. Your eyes widen partly from the bright lights and partly from all they have to take in. You are in your element and you are about to spend lots and lots of money.

This is what occurs to me as I walked to Forever21 last week. I am convinced that God inspired that store just for me. That same feeling occurs the moment I pass through the doors of Barnes and Noble. I just love that moment that occurs just as you see the store, just as your body passes through it's doors and you are washed with potential. I like to walk in the doors, breathe deep and smell the possibility.

With Barnes and noble it's a bit different because when i breathe in i can smell intellectual possibility, i can imagine all the words and voices that float around it's wide room emanating from each book. With Forever 21 it's a completely different possibility. It's the possibility that I'm going to find my every fashion desire.

In whatever form, possibility smells good.

*and now i must end abruptly and dash off for there are less then 15 minutes for me to get tea and get to class!

1 comment:

Angela said...

"Imagine yourself..."!!!! Memories, memories. Funny follow up story----when my brother Michael was in like 11th grade, he had to do a book report for Mrs. Miller, and he had me proof read it. I told him that I'd give him $5 if he would go in to Mrs. Miller and ask her to listen to his intro and begin it with "Imagine yourself" and see what she'd do. He did it, and he later told me that as soon as he began reading it, she went "Nooooooooo!!!" and started laughing hysterically. :0)