Monday, November 12, 2007

the spiciest spice of them all

so you're reading this-good! that's a start.
you're probably here because you value my opinion so greatly that you're waiting to make your next life move before you hear what i have to say!
ok, then you're probably here because you find me so fascinating that you can't wait to delve into my inner most thoughts...
still no?
would you should be doing homework or studying which translates to your sudden fascination with everything but school work?
yeah, that's probably about right.
either way you shake it, though, your here and i'm glad.
now how to keep you here...
well i've decided to flavor this blog with some spicy controversy-and by controversy i mean things that i believe in, that could be considered controversial....feel free to lash out at me if you feel the need...
ok five things-here we go-
5 britney spears, amy grant, reba, jennifer lopez-can't sing
4 facebook is too complicated, and a waist of time-myspace is better.
3. cats rule.
2. chocolate could be done away with
1. i don't think a woman should ever be president-whether they ride in on their husband coat-tails or not, females are too emotional to run the free world.

there you have it, some light and airy controversy to get your brain going and a two minute break from whatever it is you're supposed to be doing-how could you ask for more?
be sure to keep reading-this blog and books in general :-)


Mitchell said...

Look, I'm commenting on your blog, and I made one myself just so I could comment properly.

Now about your controversial lists making...

5. eh, that's controversial? That my friend is what we call fact. not too say they don't have talent, just not the singing variety.

4. facebook is less "me, me, me"

3. agreed.

2. and so could you for talking like that.

1. well, males haven't really done a bang up job, have they? clarification, I do not support Hillary Clinton.

Cindy Helton said...

Well elizabeth with an "e", I debated about responding but I feel like your "list" just compels one forward, begging for a battle of opinions....except in my case where my facts are the facts......

5. ok i'll give you that

4. i am not a fan of either and although I have a facebook it is only under duress.

3. cats rule...come on you are surely only trying to provoke us to a lively banter. cats are aloof, snobby if you will..... they pick you, you do not pick them.... perhaps some may find that appealing but none-the-less, give me a happy-to-see-you, glad-your-home dog any day! (please don't tell my cat that my dog is my favorite).

4."chocolate could be done away with", oh please!!! As i sit here eating a melt-in-your- mouth TRIPLE chocolate brownie, your creditability is slipping. I have always respected your dislike of chocolate but to go this far, I am starting to question our entire friendship.

5. not sure really you should even include this as controversial. Hillary pops into everyone's mind and well... enough said!!

thank your man for telling me about your blog. you are quite interesting ( no surprise) and that too is fact!