Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Marriage is highly underestimated.
At it's best I think it's the greatest relationship one human being can share with another.
It's no wonder God compares the church to a bride, there really is no better comparison. The partnership it entails, the collaboration of two people who bring differences to the table that when combined make you one. super. human. it's astounding. And awesome.
Thinking back to my ideas of marriage even a year and one week ago I had no idea how beautiful it could be. My favorite way of describing it is marriage is a sleepover with your best friend every night for the rest of your life.

One aspect of marriage/love that isn't often talked about, but I think is the most important is that love starts with you.
You cannot give someone else your love until you love yourself.
It's like food at a party. If two people are invited to a party and only one of them brings food, there won't be that much to eat. If both people bring food, then there is plenty to eat and everyone can relax, yeah?
Thus when two people enter a relationship with love for themselves it's easy to relax and spread the love all around :)

One way I realized Dayton was "the one," was that I never got tired of him. No matter how long we had been together or how often we saw each other I always wanted more, and I had never experienced that with a guy before.
Part of that reason was not because I loved who I became when I was with him but because I loved who I AM.(I am aware of the change in tense-it's intentional)
With him I didn't have to become anyone else, I could just be me I never had to change. And since I learned to love the person I am before we met, getting to be that person with him made our relationship all the more enjoyable.

This concept is so important to me-loving yourself (I know this partly because it's hard for me to decided exactly how to write about it, haha).

What greater imprisonment is there then to not love the person you were created to be?

But on the other hand, what beautiful freedom it is to love who you are and to be completely satisfied in living as the wonderful you that God created.

Think of it this way, life is one giant art show and we're all walking God exhibits.

Until next time...

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