Monday, January 26, 2009

Track 12

by elizabeth b. ogle

My first snow
I clicked to a Norah Jones song
Her notes delighted my ears
Her voice whispering words like sit, and watch, and snow.
Flakes fell fast from pregnant clouds
Flakes wobbly with freedom
My form interrupting their descent to the ground.
I reached out my hand and watched as each abstract shape became part of my ingredients
I reached out my tongue anticipating a sugary sweetness, dissolving instantly like cotton candy
I took a step sinking to brown,
But clicked to pause in just enough time
to hear the most satisfying crinkle
Underneath my shoe.
I waited to hear the sound of snow falling,
Folding like bed sheets all around me
And stood in awe as no sound came
Only little white clusters pure in both color and silence
Humbly frosting the earth.


Sarah said...

What poetic beauty you have captured in this wintery musing! I am captivated by the imagery and my senses are in the palm of your hand, ergo, your pen.

daynagonzalez said...

Ooooooo! That gave me goosebumps!

Angela said...

That was very pretty. I wish it would snow in Florida every once in a while.