Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Que the slow music and the Bob Saget kneel down...

It's time for the lesson to be learned...

There's a little something that I've been complaining about A LOT lately. I've been complaining because it was something I had to do but there was not a single part of me that wanted to do it.

It was to the point where if the subject was brought up to people I had already complained to they'd speak before I could, "now Elizabeth just calm down"

A sore subject to say the least

As I walked to class yesterday morning I was listening to Joyce Meyer podcast and she was talking about being thankful. She said that if you complain about what you've got, how can God bless you with more? She pointed out all the dangers of complaining and it really spoke to me.
In that moment I decided-I'm going to be thankful that I have this opportunity and I'm not going to complain about it anymore.

Yesterday afternoon I get a phone call that informed me I wasn't going to have to do what I had been complaining about after all.
Now had I received that phone call before I made the decision to stop complaining I would have done back handsprings of joy.
But now, I just had to laugh at myself and picture the whole thing as if it were the end of a Full House episode where the slow/pensive music starts and Jesus was kneeling down Bob Saget style saying,

"See what happens when we decide to be thankful?"


annabanana5940 said...

Thank you deary. I had many many things go wrong today, horrible day over all. That made me feel a little better.

Alicia said...

Love it.

I have my own thing I've been complaining about lately (well, one in particular I'm using for this story), and as soon as I read this I had that feeling of "crap, now I'm going to have to learn my lesson too." Sure enough, stuff started changing after I quit complaining about it. (Granted, it was a few days after I read this that I finally shut up - slow learner.)

amber said...

what's so funny is that as i'm reading this, i'm watching the 'true hollywood story' of full house. oh, i love that show! grew up watching it and think it's contributed to who i am today :-)